Below is a collection of Tanakh lesson plans, interactive tools, and articles created by The Lookstein Center staff or contributed to the site by Jewish educators.  


Weekly Parasha Resources – This collection of discussion plans and resources from The Lookstein Center frames interesting parasha discussions with thought-provoking questions.
Yaakovson Questions on Nevi’im Rishonim – Rav Yissaschar Yaakovson lists thought questions for every chapter in Nevi’im Rishonim (Hebrew language).
Nechama Leibowitz Gilyonot – Hebrew – These are the famous gilyonot of Nechama Leibowitz, organized by parasha.
Humash Lev Ladaat – This PDF is one section from the new Lev Ladaat Humash from Koren Publishers. This Humash aims to help students reflect, connect, and learn in a more in way.
Tanakh Word Frequency – This resource lists words in Tanakh in order of frequency.
250 Common Words in Tanakh – This list of common terms from Dah Bear also includes root words and English definitions.
Educating A People: A Haftarah Companion – This book by Gidon Rothstein reviews the main messages and important elements of the weekly haftarah


WEBSITES and blogs

Parshanim are People Too: The Intersection of Parshanut and Jewish History – This blog by Leah Herzog for The Lookstein Center explores a new approach to teaching parshanut.
AlHatorah – This website houses a full online text of the Mikraot Gedolot editions of the books of Tanakh, as well as a Concordance, dictionary, and more.
Lev Ladaat – This educational site is a combined effort of the religious public school system and Herzog College in Israel. It is geared towards meaningful education and has links to lesson plans and ideas for a variety of Jewish subjects and texts.
Dicta – This website has many analytical tools for Hebrew texts, including a tool to search the Tanakh by word, a tool to classify Tanakh text by style. and more.
Base Hasefer – This website is a powerful tool for the search and analysis of Tanach with a wide array of features, including a 3D Tanakh family tree, and more. 


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