Ideally, school is a place of growth, and to enable that growth, we try to maintain school as a place where our students can feel safe. Unfortunately, it is impossible to shelter our students from trauma, tragedy, and loss.
Especially in times of communal loss and trauma, our schools and our students are impacted. The horrific attack on Israeli citizens on Simchat Torah morning 2023 and the ongoing fighting, rockets, and news of family, friends, and neighbors who were killed or are still missing has left the entire Jewish world reeling.
The news is overwhelming and, as teachers, we tend to view the world through our educator lens—i.e. how can I help my students make sense of this? At this moment, that can feel like an insurmountable task. To that end, we’ve prepared some practical resources and activities to help (you and) your students during these trying times.
Resources in French/ Ressources pédagogiques dans le contexte de la guerre en Israël
Resources in German/ Lehrmaterial – Israel im Krieg
Resources in Hebrew/ משאבים חינוכיים – ישראל במלחמה
Resources in Russian/ Источники по поддержке Израиля во время войны
Resources in Spanish/ Recursos para abordar el tema “Israel en guerra”
Resources in Ukrainian/ Освітні ресурси – Ізраїль у стані війни