The following PD sessions are being offered for classroom teachers in Jewish schools at a subsidized rate. Other professionals, please email us at

Upcoming Professional Development Sessions

Master Class in Jewish Spirituality

Welcoming God Into our Classrooms:A Master Class in Jewish SpiritualityWith: Rabbi David AaronMaster spiritual educator, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Orayta, author of best-selling books by major publishing houses, and featured guest on mainstream media – Rabbi Aaron will...

The Quest for Leadership: A Thematic Approach to Sefer Shmuel

Presented By: Zvi Grumet, The Lookstein Center's Director of Education In this series, we will look at the big picture in Sefer Shmuel as the attempt to transition from the model of the shofetim to that of kings. We will explore four attempts to shift out of the...

The Essentials of Jewish History Instruction Virtual Bootcamp

Memory is a critical part of our tradition, and also a powerful educational force as it provides an emotional, personal connection to the past. The academic study of history, on the other hand, is the reconstruction of the past based on factual evidence and primary sources. This bootcamp explores the relationship between memory and history, best practices in Jewish history instruction, and student-centered approaches. Hands-on workshops make up the bulk of the training program and give teachers the skills and tools they need in order to teach Jewish history in an engaging and creative way.