A Note on the Flood Story in the Language of Man

A Note on the Flood Story in the Language of Man

  Introduction: In his comprehensive assessment of “bold concordism”—the claim that today’s science is found in the opening chapter of Genesis— David Shatz discusses the notion of “dibbera Torah ki-leshon benei adam, the Torah speaks in the language of (the large...

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A Mock Beit Din: An interactive Assessment for Sugyot in Nezikin

Unit on shevuah she'einah birshuti

Unit on shevuah she'einah birshuti (Baba Metziah 34B) This unit is designed to demonstrate to students how the Talmud is relevant to the social and economic issues confronting society today. It deals with the sugya of shevuah she'einah birshuti (Baba Metziah 34B)....

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Kavvana Sources

Kavvana Sources

Kavvana: Directing the Heart in Jewish Prayer was published by Jason Aronson in the summer of 5757 (1997), 604 pages. Jason Aronson is now an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. More information on the book can be found at my webpage. This page...

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