Kushner Mission Statement

Kushner Mission Statement

"A COMMUNITY OF LEARNERS" Kushner Yeshiva High School - Yeshiva Tichonit Beit Yosef - prepares American Jewish adolescents with the tools necessary to face challenges posed by contemporary society. Fashioned upon the finest principles of Modern Orthodoxy, the school...

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Environmental Issues in Judaism

Environmental Issues in Judaism

ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN JUDAISM By: Alain Attar   Today 's ecological awareness and debates on wider global issues are in many cases a result of the detrimental side of industrialization and its effect on the environment. What are Judaism 's views on...

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“Of Fainting Maidens and Wells” Bible Study in the Yeshiva Curriculum

Chazal's Criticism of Moshe Rabbenu

Chazal's Criticism of Moshe Rabbenu Sicha Given By HaRav Aharon Lichtenstein zt"l Both sichot that appear here were delivered on Shabbat Parashat Vaera 5755 (1995) - the first on leil Shabbat, and the second at Seuda Shelishit. They were summarized after Shabbat by a...

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