Scientific Method and Biblical Study

Scientific Method and Biblical Study

From Tradition, Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 1970   What little the general reader knows of Biblical criticism, he knows it as an opposition to religious beliefs. The name of Julius Wellhausen immediately comes to mind, and his hypothesis of different documentary...

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Emet Le-Ya'akov

Emet Le-Ya'akov

EMET LE'YA'AKOV By: Eitan Mayer If we have national heroes, they are the Avot. Traditional Jewish interpretation of the Torah has poured great energy into magnifying their spiritual power and moral virtues and minimizing their mistakes (or, more in the spirit of...

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Commitment vs. "Connecting"

Commitment vs. "Connecting"

Commitment vs. "Connection" By Rabbi Yehuda Amital zt"l   One of the cornerstones of Judaism is commitment. However, the very concept of commitment today faces a severe crisis among some of the religious-Zionist youth, in high schools and pre-military academies...

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The Mitzvah of "Hakhel"

The Mitzvah of "Hakhel"

Prepared by: Rabbi Jay Goldmintz Edited by: Dr. Moshe Sokolow Sources דברים לא:ט-יג משנה סוטה ז:ה בבלי סוטה לב ע"ב ספרי דברים יז:יח ספר החינוך מצוה תרי"ב רמב"ם, משנה תורה, הלכות חגיגה פרק ג' רמב"ם, ספר המצוות, מצות עשה טז אנציקלופדיה תלמודית כרך י' עמ' תמג-תנב הרב ש"י...

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Sefer Hatorah Hapatuach- The Open Scroll

Sefer Hatorah Hapatuach- The Open Scroll

This is an ambitious Simchat Torah educational experience which we started in 5760 in Havurat Tel Aviv. We unroll the entire Sefer Torah and send the children of the congregation from station to station from Bereshit to vZot haBracha, reading selected passages and...

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Emet Le-Ya'akov

Senior Class D'var Torah Project

The following is an outline of the Beth Tfiloh (Baltimore, Maryland) Senior Class D'var Torah Project, 1998-1999. Each student in the senior class is required to present a D'var Torah to the high school during the course of the year. If the student does not present,...

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