A Tikkun: Rebekah and Eve

A Tikkun: Rebekah and Eve

This article originally appeared in Tradition 27:1 ,1992. INTRODUCTION The Torah is an organic whole. Each section, each word and letter, is interconnected. When we study a particular text in the Torah, we must examine its relationship to the Torah as a whole. A key...

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A Memorial Prayer for “9/11”

A Memorial Prayer for “9/11”

As a member of Hatzoloh, I responded to the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001. Given the notable Jewish dimension to this human tragedy, I was motivated to compose an Azkarah, a memorial poem, for all its victims and heroes. The following is a...

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A Memorial Prayer for “9/11”

Memorial Prayer for 9/11 (Hebrew)

אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם אֲשֶר כָּל יְצִיר נִבְרָא בִּדְמוּתוֹ וּבְצַלְמוֹ. אָבִינוּ שֶבַּשָּׁמַיִּם הַפּוֹצֶה אֶת עֲבָדָיו מֵחֶרֶב רָעָה. אֵל נְקָמוֹת פְּקוֹד-נָא בְּקִנְאָתְךָ אֲנָשִים, נָשִים, וָטַף אֲשֶר נִסְפּוּ בְּהִתְרַסֵּק הַמַּטּוֹסִים הַחֲטוּפִים בִּידֵי בְלִיַּעַל,...

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A Tikkun: Rebekah and Eve

The Implications of Feminine Imagery in the Bible

This article is based on an address given at the 1988 convention of the Rabbinical Council of America. The author acknowledges the work of Harav Yissachar Jacobson, particularly his chapter, “Halshah Be-Melitzat haNeviim,” Hazon Ha-Mikra, Vol. 2, pp. 110-121 (Tel...

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Enrichment in Education: A Model from 'Down Under'

A Day (School) Dream

This article originally appeared in Ten Da’at Vol. XIII (Winter 2000). The enormous time, energy, and resources spent continuously by the overall North American Orthodox community on its day schools is testament to its overwhelming desire to imprint its children with...

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Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik as Posek of Post-Modern Orthodoxy

Faith and Doubt Reconsidered

This article originally appeared in Tradition 26:3 (1992).   I In his article, "Faith and Doubt," originally published in Tradition more than twenty years ago,1 Rabbi Norman Lamm addressed, from a traditional Jewish perspective, the problem of to what extent and in...

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The Sabbath in the Space Age

The Sabbath in the Space Age

THE SABBATH IN THE SPACE AGE Azriel Rosenfeld This article originally appeared in Tradition Summer 1964   Introduction The Jewish religious law (Halakhah) relating to Sabbath observance consists primarily of injunctions against performing certain actions on the...

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