in Paramus, NJ
Is accepting resumes for September 2025

Early Childhood
Kindergarten Head Teacher
Kindergarten Ivrit Teacher
Assistant Teachers

Elementary School
Judaic Studies Head and Assistant Teachers
General Studies Head and Assistant Teachers
STEM teacher

Middle School
Math Teacher
Tanach Teacher (Ivrit B’Ivrit)

*Assistant Teachers will teach small groups, have input into curriculum and be involved in parent communication. Assistant Teachers are provided with mentorship and an excellent opportunity for growth in a supportive environment. Candidates must have an undergraduate degree or higher

Please send cover letter and resume to:

Yeshivat Noam is an Orthodox, Zionistic Yeshiva day school located in Bergen County NJ.
Yeshivat Noam is a warm learning environment with Freedom to be Creative, Resources to Differentiate, Technology to Innovate, Support to Grow, Opportunity to Inspire
All Head Teachers must have a Masters level degree or higher

Ideal candidate builds relationships with students, is a passionate, creative teacher and has expertise in their subject matter