Fluid Meanings of the Yarmulke Across Educational Contexts

by | Jan 11, 2025 | Events and Opportunities for Educators

January 23, 2025
1-1:30 pm ET via Zoom
Registration link: https://bit.ly/LAL-MCSJE

Fluid Meanings of the Yarmulke Across Educational Contexts | Dr. Anastasia Badder

In her recent article, Anastasia Badder asks: How do congregational school students experience moments in which they were confronted with Jewishness outside of the classroom, in their secular schools and public spaces? And taking a material approach, how does the presence (and absence) of yarmulkes influence those experiences? In this session, she will discuss findings from fieldwork she conducted as an ethnographer and teacher in a Jewish congregational school researching the ways children learn about and how to do Jewishness.

Dr. Anastasia Badder is a research associate in the Faculty of Divinity and Cambridge Interfaith Programme at the University of Cambridge. She holds a Ph.D. in educational sciences from the University of Luxembourg, and an MA in anthropology from the University of Auckland. Though grounded in anthropology, her work is often interdisciplinary, especially reaching across sociolinguistics and education. Some of her recent research explores the materiality of interreligious encounter, as well as articulations of language and the material in Jewish lives in Europe

Hosted by Professor Jon Levisohn (Brandeis University).
Learning About Learning: Join us virtually for a series of conversations hosted by Mandel Center for Studies in Jewish Education faculty, in which leading scholars of Jewish education discuss what they have learned from their investigations of various aspects of Jewish education, and why it matters.

These events are free and open to the public. Registration is required. Videos and podcasts of past events can be found at https://www.brandeis.edu/mandel/events/videos.html.

Contact Email:mandelcenter@brandeis.edu