Birkat Hamazon 3
This lesson is a continuation of Birkat Hamazon lesson 2.
Students work with the text itself, improving reading and comprehension of text, preparing for the rest of the unit.
Lesson objectives
Content: Students will be able to…
1. Provide a basic translation of the Birkat Hamazon text.
2. Identify the theme of each section of Birkat Hamazon, reflected by the student’s ability to give an appropriate title to each section.
Students will be able to…
1. Read the text of Birkat Hamazon with understanding.
2. Work efficiently and effectively in havrutah.
Students will be able to appreciate the importance of studying in havrutah.
Resources & Equipment needed
Copies of Birkat Hamazon for the students (with English translation if necessary), photocopies of the worksheets.
In hevrutot, students should complete the worksheets. For each paragraph, ask for a havrutah to volunteer to read their title and questions. Lead a short discussion on each paragraph focusing on their questions, as well as other questions that other students have written in this paragraph. Although all questions are acceptable, the main thrust of the discussion should be: how do the themes of these paragraphs relate to Birkat Hamazon? Conclude.
Homework: Teachers may choose to assign the worksheet on the additional paragraphs of Birkat Hamazon for homework (see appendix).